DCF - Digital Competency Framework

Digital competence is the set of skills, knowledge and attitudes that enable the confident, creative and critical use of technologies and systems. It is essential for learners if they are to be informed, capable and have the potential to be successful in today's society. 

At Neyland Community School we understand the importance of this curriculum framework. Our strategies and tools are outlined in our DCF policy and are ever-evolving. We are constantly aiming to improve the technological experiences for our pupils. 

DCF Policy


Our Digi-Leader pupil group is made up of a representative from each year group in KS2. This focus group also attends the STEM SQUAD afterschool club and works closely with the DCF Leader, Miss Ehrenfellner, and our Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Hewitt, to promote digital competency and online safety in our school community. This year we will be developing classroom online safety posters, creating online safety tip videos for the community, helping set up Coding Days each Friday, as well as creating Screencastify videos for Online Safety school assemblies. Together we are working towards our 360 Safe accreditation. 
