Expressive Arts
At Neyland Community School we love to be creative! We believe expressive arts should be accessible for all and we aim to foster an enjoyment of the creative work of others, be they famous or in our own community, as well as developing individual talents, skills and confidence.
The Expressive Arts AoLE consists of 5 broad areas: Art; dance; drama; film and digital media and music.
Whilst we will be building knowledge and skills in all these areas, when combined they will enable our children to develop their creative, artistic and performance skills to the full and use these to support other areas of learning.
We believe everyone is an artist and we enjoy working with local artists to support our work which gives further opportunities for our children to work independently and collaboratively on projects linked to our themes, whilst developing their artistic knowledge and skills in a progressive manner.
Singing, Dance & Drama
Singing is a joyous pastime which unites us as a school! We enthusiastically learn and perform a broad range of songs, from traditional to pop, through our rousing weekly 'Sing up!' sessions and assemblies.
Dance and Drama are wonderful ways to express our ideas and feelings creatively. Skills taught explicitly can then be used to support literacy and themed activities, for example, re-enacting stories or events from the past, participating in assemblies or performing in school productions.
We also explore different ways to record and present our work and activities and film and digital media are an exciting and progressive way to do this, developing essential skills needed to prepare our children for life in a fast-paced and digital world.