Our Criw Cymraeg

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Criw Cymraeg - Newsletter - Spring Term 2022

Our Criw Cymraeg

The "Criw Cymraeg" are responsible for promoting and encouraging the use of Welsh throughout the school.

They should be enthusiastic and lead by example.

Some responsibilities are:

  • Hybu'r Gymraeg drwy'r ysgol.
    Promoting Welsh throughout the school.
  • Brawddeg yr Wythnos
    Promoting "Phrase of the Week."
  • Gwasanaeth Cymraeg
    Contributing to the weekly Welsh school assembly.
  • Gêmau amser chwarae
    Leading playground games in Welsh.
  • Dewis/Choosing
    "Seren yr Wythnos" "Star of the week"

Pwy yw'r Criw Cymraeg?
Who are the Criw Cymraeg?

It is made up of teachers and pupils who have been elected by their class members.

The Criw Cymraeg usually consists of two members from each year group and meet weekly with the Welsh coordinator to discuss weekly business eg phrase of the week, rewards etc; current initiatives and progress with the language charter.